Ranking Americas' Best
   Professional Golf Players
Which Tournaments do we use?

The tournaments 
2007  2006
2004 2003 2002
we use for each
Pro Golf Rankings Iron Championship Rankings©
 will be selected as follows:

1. Only those tournaments that consist of regular round or match play, plus any others we can covert to round play..
2. Only those tournaments that allow a majority of the best players for each Championship to enter. The Masters is an exception because of it's significance and  prestige. That is why it is the only exception to our general rule, that for an event to be included in the list of tournaments we use for determining our championships, it must allow most of the best 125 players to enter. Some other round play tournaments also restrict the number of players by rules, but the rules are set such that almost all good players can qualify. 
3. We reserve the right to include or exclude any tournament at any time without notice or cause.   
4. We reserve the right to change these rules as needed at any time.

5. Irons must be played in North America, Panama to Canada.
We will limit the number of events to a 44 week period from first to last event..
See changing the number of events.
7. The tournaments will be chosen in this order:
for the National Championship.
A) The most important events.
The Masters Tournament
PGA Championship
PLAYERS Championship
U.S. Open
British Open
Canadian Open
These events should have a primary exemption for TV time. That is, no other events should be scheduled on the same weekend in any men's golf tour. We will not count any other event that competes with these events in 2006.
B) The 24 events with the largest total purse. In case of conflict the one with the largest purse, then the one played inside the United States. Events using our Pro Golf Rankings Iron Championship Rankings© Purse Distribution Formula will have priority over events with a larger purse.
8.. The event does not need to be sanctioned or endorsed by the players governing tour body.
9. No "skins" or "made for TV events" tournaments will be used as they do not give all players an equal chance to fall series compete. 

Tournament goals and excitement.
The tournaments need to create more excitement. 
There are ways this can be done.
1. Have a purse playoff!
Ties at position 100 are eliminated by use of the: "Saturday Morning Money Swing-out"
  A stroke is added to their final score for each extra hole lost. The scores for all other "cut" players will be adjusted accordingly. 

   2. Post daily changes in our rankings. We now have the capability to recalculate our rankings after every round. We will do this for any event that advertises this and sends us the final scores by email or web page. It must be in our prescribed comma delimited format as text.

 3.The tournaments have apparently decided it is best for the sport to increase the size of the final CUT towards 84 to  attract more of the best players.

Another is already being done by the Tournaments:
  4. Provide a better chance to participate in the final rounds.

Changing Golf
Equipment Ranking Rating Field strengths

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Iron Championship

     National (Major Tournaments)   National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     International (Tournaments)        International Iron Women's Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                   American Iron Women's Championship Events

    FedEx Cup Events                       PGR FedEx Cup Iron Championship Events
    Men's Open Field                        Men's Open Field Championship Events
    Fall Series                                   Iron Man Fall Series
    American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Men's Championship Events 
    Fifty Plus Tour                             Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events

     National (Major Tournaments)   National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     International (Tournaments)        International Iron Women's Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                   American Iron Women's Championship Events

     Men's Majors National               Men's Majors National Championship Events
     Men's Open Field                       Men's Open Field Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Men's Championship Events
     Fifty Plus Tour                            Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events
     2007 Cup Events                        2006 Events used for Comparison to 2007 Cup

     National (Major Tournaments)    National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     International (Tournaments)         International Iron Women's Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Women's Championship Events

     Men's Majors National               Men's Majors National Championship Events
     Men's Open Field                       Men's Open Field Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Men's Championship Events
     Fifty Plus Tour                            Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events
     2007 Cup Events                        2005 Events used for Comparison to 2007 Cup

     National (Major Tournaments)    National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Women's Championship Events

     Men's Majors National                Men's Majors National Championship Events
     Men's Open Field                        Men's Open Field Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                    American Iron Men's Championship Events
     Fifty Plus Tour                             Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events
     2007 Cup Events                         2004 Events used for Comparison to 2007 Cup

     National (Major Tournaments)     National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                     American Iron Women's Championship Events

     Men's Major National                   National Iron Men's Major Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                      American Iron Men's Championship Events
     Fifty Plus Tour                               Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events

     National (Major Tournaments)      National Iron Women's Major Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                      American Iron Women's Championship Events

     National (Major Tournaments)       National Iron Men's Major Championship Events
     American (2nd Tier)                       American Iron Men's Championship Events
     Fifty Plus Tour                               Fifty Plus Iron Men's Championship Events

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It would be nice if we has a perfect calendar so that tournaments came on the same day every year.


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Last updated Thursday, July 12, 2007