Will the 2007 FedEx Cup points
system be fair?
The 2007 FedEx Cup points is a position and event weighted points
2007 FedEx Cup
point distribution system. Standings: 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007. 2007
FedEx purse distribution
The FedEx Cup system is unfair to all the players!
Here is why:
When Tiger wins by 8 strokes as he did in the American Express Championship,
how is that fair to Tiger that the second place player gets the
same points as if he had won by 1 stroke. What incentive does that
give to put on the great show that he did, why not just coast? How
is that fair to all the other players that only lost to the winner
by 1 stroke or in a playoff. and they just get the same points.
In the John Deere Classic the last (80th) place money winner
(FedEx Cup) was 6 strokes behind the 79th place money winner. Yet
he gets the same FedEx Cup points as any other player who would
have been 1 stroke behind 79th place.
That is not fair to all the other players either!
Pro Golf Rankings system
Our system has none of those problems How a player plays is the score
he gets. If he doesn't play because he cannot compete, too bad.
They should have uses a ranking system like ours!
The PGA was looking for a sponsor for the Fall Series to put
up a purse of $5,000,000. None has been found.
It is our opinion that these 7 will die a slow death. We do not
anticipate that there will be more than the last five places to be determined.
"Cup" Points rating list has all full tour members and will
load slowly. 2004, 2005, 2006,
To see how we handled Cup points in 2006
click here.
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