Ranking Americas' Best
   Professional Golf Players
What are player points, rating and ranking systems.?

Determining who is the best golf player is not easy.

This is done in two ways "Objective Ranking" or "Subjective Ratings".

"Objective Ranking" requires a point system that is independent of author and has no personal opinion in it.
Pro Golf Rankings fits this criteria.

"Subjective Ratings" can be done in two ways. 
1. By compiling data that is based in part on measurements of various factors.
      The PGA Tour's "All-Around Ranking" fits this criteria.
2. By arbitrarily assigning vales to various factors or events or player position based on the personal opinion of what some person thinks the factor for each event or position is worth. 
These fall into this category.
      FedEx Cup
      The official world golf ranking


Pro Golf Rankings

This website has the ONLY OBJECTIVE ranking of golf players in the world. Players are ranked by our adjusted score formula for each event which is then averaged year to date. Even if they miss the cut, they get a fair score. Players who do not enter are given a higher score. This is a hard cold numbering system, with no personal opinion involved. Our ranking system is based on what all the players actually do in competition with each other. The numbers are what they are and cannot be twisted, the ranking is simply an accumulated score. 

The Professional Golf Association's "All-Around Ranking"
This is the best of it's type. It does a very through job of analyzing all facets of the game from tee to cup.

The Ladies Professional Golf Association also has a similar rating system.

Our rating system:
 OSCC Gold Cup Points System. This is only a rating system. It is better that the next two because it covers all players.

The official world golf ranking
FedEx Cup problems

These three are basically similar. They differ in their personal opinion as to what an event is worth and how many players to award points to.  Each gives different points to the same position. It is all personal opinion.
I give Frank-O-Sports the nod because he has no vested interest in the players.
The official world golf ranking on the other hand is owned by IMG, the largest player representative in golf and any other sport by far. This may explain why they have the standing they do. Obviously they have a vested interest in a players standing.

This is a very complicated system using undisclosed algorithms.

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Last updated Thursday, July 12, 2007